Analyze data and access output

If you have raw data files then you can use those files in this process to detect patterns in them.

<aside> 💡 Raw data must be in this format ( each record ): email:password


Select Process tab form navigation bar in left

Here you can add your raw data files in "Raw Input" folder... help? A sample data file is already shipped with app

Once app has raw data:

  1. you can select number of threads this process can use
  2. press Analyze button to start process
  3. when process is done you will see below popup

  1. Output can be accessed from "Output folder" button

  2. Else you should press "Move Forward" button to generate patterns stats.

Output format:

<aside> 💡 Output of analyzation process will look like this ( single record ): pattern<|>password<|>patternValue1<|>Length:xPosition:x<|>patternValue2<|>Length:xPosition:x<|>


e.g. Mobile/Undetected/<|>49990a<|>"49990"<|>Length:5Position:0<|>"a"<|>Length:1Position:5<|>