Analyze data and access output
If you have raw data files then you can use those files in this process to detect patterns in them.
<aside> 💡 Raw data must be in this format ( each record ): email:password
Select Process tab form navigation bar in left
Here you can add your raw data files in "Raw Input" folder... help? A sample data file is already shipped with app
Once app has raw data:
Output can be accessed from "Output folder" button
Else you should press "Move Forward" button to generate patterns stats.
<aside> 💡 Output of analyzation process will look like this ( single record ): pattern<|>password<|>patternValue1<|>Length:xPosition:x<|>patternValue2<|>Length:xPosition:x<|>
e.g. Mobile/Undetected/<|>49990a<|>"49990"<|>Length:5Position:0<|>"a"<|>Length:1Position:5<|>